We even have a trip named after the Kiwi bird! This bird, even if it is not very often seen, is well known. It has given its name to New Zealanders, who are called "Kiwis" the world over. Yet all this time the bird has been a relatively secretive, nocturnal species seldom seen in the wild state. Kiwis are relatively long - lived birds. Branding studies have not been going long enough to give a good indication of life expectancy, but 20 - 30 years is probable. Several brown and little spotted kiwis have lived in captivity for 20 years or more and one North Island brown is approaching There are two species of Kiwis in New Zealand.

Spotted Kiwis are found on offshore islands and forests in the North of the South Island. The Maori hunted the birds at night with the aid of dogs and torches. The skins and feathers were made up in to cloaks which were highly prized. The Maori believed that the kiwi was under special protection of the god Tane, and they called it Te manu a Tane - the bird that Tane hid.

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Its voice is shrill and from the call comes its Maori name kiwi. The male utters a repeated prolonged whistling call. The female call is shorter and hoarser. During feeding they emit snuffling sounds. The bird is nocturnal, tail-less and flightless. They are the only known bird to have external nostrils at the base of their long beaks and their sense of smell is very finely tuned.

It locates the insects, grubs and spiders it eats by sniffing among the leaves, moss and rotting wood on the forest floor leaving characteristic bore marks. They tap the ground with their beaks and scrape away forest litter with their feet searching for food by pushing their beak about 15 cm into the ground and probing for insects, worms and snails.

They also eat the berries from some native trees. Sometimes they make a snuffling sound, as they expel air through their nostrils while they feed. Kiwi are burrowers and often move to a new burrow each day. The little spotted kiwi and the brown kiwi tend to use simple one-entrance burrows, but the great spotted kiwi puts time and effort into constructing a labyrinth of tunnels.

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Kiwi live in pairs, as couples, all their lives. Male kiwi fight vigorously for a mate and the female occasionally kicks her smaller partner when warding off his unwanted advances.

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About every third day, the pair shelter together in the same burrow. During the night when they are foraging for food or patrolling their territory, they call to each other. The calls of the male and female are quite distinct: he utters prolonged shrill whistles, while she has a lower, hoarser cry. Kiwi are very strong and often extremely bad tempered. Adult birds use their razor sharp claws to defend themselves.

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Extremely territorial, they protect their "patch", which can be as large as 40 hectares, by calling, or chasing the intruder and kicking it. When alarmed or feeling aggressive, kiwi make noises that range from a growl to a hiss, along with loud bill-snapping. Kiwis have only remnants of wings, and like the moa to which they are related , lack a keel on the breastbone for attachment of flight muscles. Though kiwis have weak eyesight, long bristles around there mouths help them feel their way through the undergrowth at night.

The nest is a burrow or depression under tree roots or a hollow log. It lays a clutch of eggs of 1 or 2 very large off-white eggs laid at an interval of days. Join a team of guest speakers, including Peter Hillary, aboard the cabin Caledonian Sky and experience the natural beauty of New Zealand. Visit dynamic Queenstown for two nights.

Enjoy up-close access to the towering granite cliffs and tumbling waterfalls of Doubtful and Milford Sounds and remote Stewart Island. Spend time with Maori elders for a welcome ceremony and traditional hangi lunch. Lose one day crossing the International Date Line. This evening meet fellow travelers at a welcome reception with views of Lake Wakatipu. Novotel Queenstown Lakeside Hotel R. Following an introductory lecture, embark on a private cruise across scenic Lake Wakatipu to Mt Nicholas High Country Farm for a private, behind-the-scenes visit of this , acre, family-run merino sheep farm, with the option of an easy cycle ride with panoramic alpine views at every turn.

On arrival at Milford, board a small boat and cruise close to the towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls before embarking the Caledonian Sky. Caledonian Sky B,L,D. When the glaciers covering Fiordland retreated 14, years ago, they left behind an extraordinarily serrated coastline, plunging fiords, and deep branching lakes, further enhanced by mist-shrouded mountains, cascading waterfalls, and vast beech forests.

This is New Zealand at its wildest, most remote, and most beautiful. Explore these unspoiled waterways, only accessible by sea, and well known for abundant wildlife, including fur seals and pods of bottlenose dolphins.

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Anchor in Paterson Inlet to visit Stewart and Ulva islands. Ulva Island is a sanctuary for both birds and plants, including species that are rare or extinct on mainland New Zealand. Weather permitting, an optional ocean fishing excursion will be offered for an additional cost.

Built on the gold rushes of the s, today Victorian and Edwardian buildings can still be seen at every turn. Embark on a guided tour of this beautifully preserved city including a visit to the spectacular Dunedin Botanic Garden, with over 6, plant species, and the Otago Museum, for superb insight into the natural history of the South Island, as well as its industries and its peoples.

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While in Dunedin, drive to Taiaroa Head on the tip of the Otago Peninsula to see northern royal albatrosses, the largest seabirds in the world. This is the only mainland location in the world. Special viewing areas have been constructed for observing these birds without disturbing their natural activities. As the ship departs Dunedin, come out on deck to birdwatch at sunset along the Otago Peninsula.

In the morning, choose between a guided walk through the charming colonial town and surrounding native bush of the Garden of Tane or a guided 4x4 drive to a private farm to see the largest Australasian Little Penguin colony on mainland New Zealand and an inspiring example of private individuals saving an endangered species. Or if you prefer you can simply wander in the town and enjoy the alluring French atmosphere of this seaside retreat.

Return to the ship for a relaxing afternoon at sea and a continuation of our lecture series. Sail across Cook Strait between the North and South Islands and enter a world of pristine natural beauty. Explore the islands and inlets by Zodiac and during short walks on the famed Queen Charlotte Track.

Keep an eye out for some of the wildlife Cook described in his reports, as well as rare birds such as the South Island saddleback, the bellbird, and the New Zealand robin. Arrive in Wellington for a briefing at the U. Stroll along the picturesque waterfront and enjoy the option of dining ashore at a restaurant of your choice in town. Discover how the Maori navigated the Pacific to arrive on these islands and learn about their myths and traditions.

Return to the ship for lunch and an afternoon of cruising as we continue our lecture program.

Enjoy a day at sea, with onboard lectures and time to relax, as the Caledonian Sky cruises along the east coast of the North Island. Enjoy a private gathering with Maori elders at a special powhiri welcome ceremony in a Maori village nestled within a native Tawa forest. Observe Maori weaving, carving, face tattooing, and food preparation activities.

Also learn about warrior training and the fearsome haka posture dance as part of an exhilarating cultural performance. Zodiac sign: Aries.

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